A splendid chap by the name of Darren Groom has struck a blow for common good manners with a simple act which has brought him to the attention of the Beeb. This short item shows a man who was trying to serve people good coffee but, through their own inconsideration, was finding himself unable to do so promptly and properly. So he's decided that, if you're on your mobile while you try to place your order in his shop or at his coffee stall, he will not serve you.
Now anybody who knows me well will immediately recognise a story which will have me nodding vigorous agreement, and this is one of them. This chap is in the vanguard of what I hope will become a backlash against the sort of anti-social, savant behaviour exhibited by some people while they use these things, clamping them onto their ears like some kind of electronic limpet, enslaving themselves in the process.
Mr Groom, I salute you.
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